Thursday, April 24, 2008

splittin' the vote...

T minus 2 days until the Flora-Bama Mullet Toss...
T minus 3 days until the Talladega NASCAR race...

The redneck vote is split here as I will be attending one event and Jon will be attending the other... Details & photos to come, undoubtedly!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

my heart feels all warm & fuzzy...

My mom called me from the beach Saturday morning to tell me that she had gotten out my dad's Bible to do her study on the balcony when she found something tucked away inside: a letter I wrote to my parents in 1999 (my senior year of college/first real job year) telling them how much I love them and appreciate all that they have done for me, etc. Funny thing is, almost 10 years later, I still remember writing that particular letter.

But that he saved it? And in his Bible? Let's just say my heart grinned from ear to ear when she told me that. :-)

Monday, April 21, 2008

Bellies & Buttons...

I think this photo of me (circa late 70's, mind you) and my Grammy's artwork says it all. My mom was pretty pissed (it was my paternal grandmother).

Maybe that is where I got the odd phobia of people or things touching, poking or getting near my belly button. I still remember people poking it all the time when I was a kid, like it was cute. (my mom even asked the doctor if it was normal/will it go away?, etc. and he said yes.... and oh, how correct he was as it's now a major innie!)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

how could you NOT adore that sweet face!?

sweet little matthew...
Originally uploaded by kelly-bell
I had such a good time with Catherine, Thomas & Mattew (who were in town for the Queen City Classic Miniature Horse Show and to just visit) this past weekend.... That liitle one has some kind of spunky personality, I tell you!!!!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

the recurring dream is back...

That recurring dream I have about missing school and entire classes is back (I think it's symbolism for feeling behind at work):
psychoanalytic babble
I'm completely overwhelmed right now with EVERYTHING -- mentally, physically, emotionally, the whole shebang... Work, family, just my own self... Jon has been about the only thing keeping me sane, I swear, bless his sweet heart!!!

Monday, April 07, 2008

Kitty, Kitty, Kitty...

My adorable Kitty Bug [aka "porch kitty"]... You can't help but fall in love with her -- she's actually such a tiny little thing (even at a year old)... She and I went on a little "nature walk" in the woods behind my house and I tell you, I could not have asked for a better companion -- energetic, spunky, curious... even followed me and came when called like a dog.

Every night when I pull into my driveway from work, she sprints off the porch and runs across the sidewalk to greet me. And I can't help it, it brings a silly smile to my face every single time...

Can you tell I just adore her? Oh, to bits & pieces...

The Blue Angels

The Blue Angels
Originally uploaded by kelly-bell
I should have posted this already as it is now a week late -- the Blue Angels flying at the airshow last Sunday. Jon & I (and several others) had a long and intoxicating night/morning on Saturday, so we ended up just happening to stop the car & randomly [yet luckily] watch the Angels fly roadside Hwy. 45 {even though I had VIP passes to all of it!}...

Still, it was bad-ass, as they always are. I'm amazed every time I see these guys fly
such amazing machines with such skill. I'm obnoxiously impressed, I must admit!

Sunday, April 06, 2008


Give Us a Kiss...
Originally uploaded by kelly-bell

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Follow-Up Pics from "Thrill Ride!"

These were a few pics taken by my dad just before Jon & I took our flights in the T-6 planes last Friday. The original post can be see here: "Thrill Ride!"

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Hopefully I won't jinx myself here but...

...I'm currently in FIRST PLACE going into the Final Four in our NCAA tourney office pool. I'm hoping to redeem myself after being bumped to a disappointing last-minute 2nd place finish/fall from 1st place last time...

Cross your fingers for this quirky little gal here, who doesn't even like basketball, to beat the boys!!! ;)