Friday, August 29, 2008

Lest We Forget...

With Gustav approaching on this, the 3rd anniversary of Hurricane Katrina making landfall, I am posting a link to my photos collected of the Katrina devastation... Good Luck to everyone as we prepare to ride out Gustav!!!


Monday, August 18, 2008

Ohhhhh, hell to the NO!!!!!

Cop tells couple 'You can get another dog' as theirs dies in the backseat
Aug 18, 2008 12:32 PM CDT

Yesterday, we told you about the traffic stop in San Marcos that may have cost a dog his life.
Now officials have released the dash cam video of that traffic stop, and say it was a rookie mistake.

"It's a dog, okay? you can get another one, relax. This is not your driver's license."

"He said, man you need to chill out, it's just a dog. And I said, what do you mean, it's just a dog? it's not just a dog, it's, it's, it's my family."

It was on August 5th that Michael Gonzalez and girlfriend were pulled over for driving 95 miles an hour. They were taking their poodle to the emergency vet.

The officer who pulled them over took 20 minutes to issue the ticket, despite their pleas that their dog was in trouble. The dog then died in the backseat of the car.

The San Marcos police chief said that while the incident was not handled properly he does not know if it violated their policy.

Gonzalez says he's told the ticket will be dropped.

Friday, August 15, 2008

READ: Out of Sight, Out of Mind...

Denver's Homeless Provided Options During DNC
Denver 2008 DNC Convention Section
Written by Paul Day

DENVER (CBS4) ― Denver's homeless population will have options to staying on the street during the Democratic National Convention.

"If they don't want to get caught up in the protests or demonstrations, we'll find other activities that will keep them busy," said John Parvensky, President of the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless.

A plan has been developed to provide interested homeless people with free access to cultural activities. They include the Denver Zoo and the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, and they won't have to worry about paying for transportation."We'll have bus tokens if they need them," Parvensky said.

Also five, big screen TVs are being donated to a teen day shelter. One hope is to engage some of the homeless children in the political process by allowing them to see convention unfold on television. But another purpose is to draw them away from the streets while the Convention is underway.

Chad is a disheveled young man who recently arrived from Indiana. He was panhandling Wednesday at a busy street corner just a couple blocks from the Pepsi Center where the delegates will gather. Panhandling is legal in Denver but the panhandler can't be aggressive. Nobody had given him any money by noon and Chad told CBS4 he hopes the convention will increase donations.

"There sure is a lot of homeless that I've seen," Chad said.

Right now Denver's homeless population is estimated at 3,900 people.

Parevensky said nobody knows how the convention will impact Denver's homeless population. He thinks some participants may arrive in town without reservations and will discover they can't get a hotel room. Others who come "don't mind where they end up staying and maybe think they'll be able to camp out." They won't.

The plan for the homeless during the convention is being developed by Denver Department of Human Services, Denver Police Department and the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless.


Sunday, August 10, 2008

It's been a rough few days...

R.I.P. to Rudy (Nathan's cool little chihuahua), Isaac Hayes & Bernie Mac...

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Mr. B gets down & dirty...

Thanks must once again go out to Matt for bringing 2 of my all-time favorite things to my attention: and Mr. Belding (or anyone, for that matter) from 'Saved By The Bell'.

Please CLICK HERE for the more... and more... and more... Party on, Mr. B.!