Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Turtle Dreams...

If you have no idea what I am referring to from the title of this post, then you need to read the entry below this one. But here are some dream meanings I found concerning TURTLES:

  • To dream of seeing turtles, signifies that an unusual incident will cause you enjoyment, and improve your business conditions.
  • The turtle seen in a dream indicates an unusual improvement. This would be a positive omen. Turtles in a negative aspect means fear of facing responsibility or reality. However, a turtle can represent long life because turtles live a long time. They also have quiet strength.
  • These animals hold interesting symbolism. Most people loved turtles in childhood and some do in adulthood. The ideas that they convey are those of steadfastness and caution. They move and change very slowly, and in your dream about them, you may be expressing some of your reluctance to forge ahead. The turtles have strong protective shells, which may also be symbolic of your defense mechanisms or real life protection with which you have surrounded yourself.
  • To see a tortoise in your dream, suggests that you need to take some chances in order to get ahead in life. The opportunities for advancement are opened to you, but you need to take the next step. Alternatively, the tortoise may represent the need to be sheltered or protected from life's problems.
  • To see turtles in your dream, suggests that you will make slow but steady progress. You need to slow down and pace yourself. Alternatively, it indicates that you are sheltering yourself from the realities of life.
  • Protection, patience, needing to build stable foundations before launching a project, needing to ground yoursel, having the ability to adapt to circumstances, or somebody who withdraws easily, and tends to be defensive or sensitive...


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

weird, weird stuff...

Very strange things have been happening to me lately. I mean, freak-me-out-a-little-bit strange. A few examples:

1. I sat down the other night and randomly decided to write a letter to my friend Matthew in Savannah, not something that happens often. I mail it the next day, come home, check my mail, and lo & behold, what do I find but a postcard from Matthew!!! Just as I'm telling this story to someone at work, Matthew's dad (a good family friend) pops his head in the door! Kinda odd, right?

2. The other day, Dad & I were riding in the car and I started telling him about how I haven't seen any turtles in the road this year at all (he & I are notorious for stopping & getting turtles out of the road). This conversation went on for a good 5 or 10 minutes, mind you. So I get up and start driving to work the next morning and what do I see? Of course, a turtle. I was even on the SAME ROAD where I'd been talking about it the night before!!! Then....that same night on the way home but on a different road, you guessed it -- another freaking turtle!!! 2 turtles in 1 day!!!

This time, I couldn't resist and had to turn around and try to help the little guy (he wasn't even close to being out of the road). What I got, however, was more upsetting than expected -- the red-eared slider had already been "knicked" by a car and about 1/8 of the front left quarter of his shell was gone and there was a gaping hole, but he otherwise seemed alert and able to move. Next thing you know, I'm nearly in tears calling my dad asking what I should do, bleeding turtle at my feet and turtle blood on my fingers, when a sheriff's deputy pulls up. Great, lights a-flashin'... But together we decide that the little guy had a good chance of making it and it was worth giving him a fair shot (I just didn't want him to suffer unnecessarily, you know?), so I let him go in a much safer ditch/culvert that goes UNDER the road!

Not to mention (or rather TO mention), I have this recurring dream about "taking in" an unnaturally enormouse tortoise in my backyard (always at my old house), and sometimes he even talks & communicates. Thing is, in the dream, I often forget to feed him and go outside when I finally remember and he's just gone. I mean, really, can you blame him?
(note to self: look up meaning of turtle dreams)

3. A few weeks ago, I dreamed that Lindsay Lohan stole all my stuff just to be a bitch (in the dream, "my stuff" is not necessarily my real stuff), including a fur coat. And of all the stuff, the fur coat was what REALLY upset me the most for some reason... Cut to a few weeks later and I read in one of my gossip rags that the little skank really is being sued for allegedly stealing some girl's fur coat from a party!!! I mean, WTF!?


Seriously, I could go on and on with all these coincidences and odd occurrences, it's just bizarre. I think of someone, they call. I daydream about something, someone else starts talking about it. It's cRaZy, I tell you, just plain weird... Or, ahem, umm, maybe I am!!! :)

Friday, May 16, 2008

life is a little out of focus.

That pretty much sums it up. Busy. A whirlwind. Work & sleep, eat occasionally. Ugh. I'm tired. Calgon???

Saturday, May 10, 2008


Like Picasso, I'm going through a "Blue Period" (which probably just means most of the clothes I've bought lately were some shade of blue)... it was just a random little haiku. But truer words may never have been spoken... ;)

(note the quote at the top taken from one of my gossip rags regarding Jamie Lynn Spears that was just too good not to document.)

Monday, May 05, 2008

Back to BELIZE!!!!

Ambergris Caye, Belize
Originally uploaded by kelly-bell

Today, Jon & I booked a fabulous vacation week in Ambergris Caye (San Pedro), Belize in June! I am so thrilled to go back, and to finally be able to go with Jon! (and he can finally see & experience all the spectacular things I have been telling him about so long.)

On top of that, I'm getting to stay in a new place just north of San Pedro: Belizean Shores... Take a peek -- doesn't it look lovely and relaxing? I'm already in love...

Oh, and Feliz Cinco de Mayo, amigos, btw...


Saturday, May 03, 2008

R.I.P. Eight Belles

I am just sick as can be about what happened to Eight Belles at the Kentucky Derby today... And after Barbaro a few years back? Yuck...

That being said, congrats to winner Big Brown...


Friday, May 02, 2008

a little teaser...

mmmm, tasty...
Originally uploaded by kelly-bell