Tuesday, December 25, 2007


The *best* presents aren't always the most expensive or the most extravagant. Tonight my grandmother gave me her original wedding ring, from back when their honeymoon consisted of going all the way from Serepta, Mississippi to Batesville and then on to the bright lights & big city of Oxford. In other words, they were a poor, young couple who couldn't afford much, certainly not fancy wedding rings. She told me it wasn't "worth hardly a thing"... but the fact that she chose to give it to ME? Invaluable. And you know what? It really is an absolutely *perfect* fit... [smile]

Merrie Christmas!!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Lights, Camera... that's it.

Well, it finally happened. My Sony Cybershot camera bit the dust. Well, actually, that is not 100% true. I won't get into the specifics (suffice to say it was late and there was alcohol involved), but the Cybershot took a nasty spill out of my hand and into the concrete (kamikaze? suicide? murder?), rendering the LCD screen completely useless. We were together for years & years. We've been through a lot, the two of us. I will still need some time to grieve. Sniff, sniff...

Sooooo... knowing that I could not possibly allow myself to be short even a single camera for Christmas, I went straight into hunting mode and, while I was just going to get another Sony (stick with what you know/like, right?), I changed my mind at the last minute and bought a Canon PowerShot instead. So far, so good, even though it's only been a day. Wish us luck!

And now, for the inaugural photos.... There is the original tortured camera subject, my muse, the Edie Sedgwick to my Andy Warhol, my "sweet" Dixie Lou:
And of course, my yearly "Fun with Christmas Tree Lights" project continues (note: this is what happens when you drink wine and decide to play with your camera with only the Christma tree offering up itself as a willing subject):

And I am sure there will be more where those came from (of course). I have a new toy, therefore, I have an obligation to play with it... :)

R.I.P. Sony Cybershot. In the words of the great Dolly Parton, I will always love you...

Monday, December 17, 2007

MASS media

Okay, we get it, Oprah is behind Obama for President. It has been duly noted after being rammed down my throat nonstop for the last week, enough already! I'm saddened that our society even feels that this is such a big deal really. The only thing her little publicity stunt did for me was make her irritate me even more. (Then again, at least she's not doing all of this for Hillary, I guess!)

[sigh] This is going to be a long year.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Rainy Day Blues...

Looks like the rain has arrived. Sitting outside, I could literally feel the temperature dropping, the storm was moving in so fast... (Photo courtesy/blame of the iPhone as my beloved Cybershot has been severely handicapped after a nasty fall and is thus being forced into early retirement. I'm not ready to talk about it yet. Sniff, sniff...)

Crazy weather this December here in Mississippi... However, even this is better than the 80-degree days so close to Christmas (not that we ever have a "white" Christmas, but that was just ridiculous)...
Jon & I both managed to get trees up these past few days, and I must admit, they look pretty darn good! I never got into the Christmas Tree Search Saga on the blog, did I? Oh, lucky reader... Don't get me started now, suffice to say it threw a bit of a wrench into our holiday plans as well as our holiday spirit (or lack thereof). But all is well & good & happy & fine now, so there you go. On with the show... Ho! Ho! Ho!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

~ annie ~

Big CONGRATULATIONS to my friends, Molly & Robert, on the arrival last week of their adorable newborn baby girl, Annie (finally!)... I can't wait to meet the little cutie-pie!!!

(though I'm thinking they would not have appreciated me actually meeting her last week while reeking of strep throat... just a guess!)

Monday, December 10, 2007

The Grinch.

One way or the other, the damn tree is going up tonight. Jon & I are having to go in between work & yet another Christmas party, throw a tree in the back of his truck, go to the party, and then put the tree up & decorate it later tonight. That's the goal. And we will reach it. And I will be in a happy fucking holiday mood. Dammit.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

strep tease...

I have been fortunate enough to experience my first-ever bout with strep throat all this week. Not only has the Christmas decorating [or lack thereof] suffered immensely as a direct result, but so has everything else in my life as I have been beyond useless! Ugh.