Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I may be looking left, but I'm still leaning right!


Monday, September 22, 2008


I received an email last week from a fellow animal-lover/rescuer about some 2-3 week old kittens that had been found without a mother asking me if I knew of anyone who had a nursing mama cat. Well, after several days of asking around, I found one who was nursing kittens almost the very same age! I was so excited! And then my balloon burst...

Turns out the girl who had found the kittens also had a 3-year old child and trying to take care of ALL of them was just too much, so she took them to the local pound (of which I'm not a big fan) on Friday. When I heard that, my heart & gut just sank. I asked if maybe we could get them back, but after we called, turns out they put the sweet little babies to sleep immediately. My heart is just completely broken, and I do not know how people can even work there!

I'm not saying do not adopt from the pound by any means (you're likely to save a life, for sure!). PLEASE ADOPT -- from wherever!!! I guess I'm sort of playing activist here with this story, but THIS is exactly why I give my money to "no-kill" shelters, and why I support East Mississippi Animal Rescue -- because they actually care!


Thursday, September 11, 2008

"How It Happened"...

As written to a very good friend as part of an email:

"He [Jon] really did so good -- told me in the middle of the week to just be ready to getup EARLY Saturday morning to fly "somewhere", but wouldn't tell mewhere... Well, turns out it was Cincinnati, where we have really good memories from a trip 2 years ago... He had the whole deal set up with Morton's (my all-time favorite restaurant) & the hotel (the Westin) & after dinner had the waitress "recommend" a little bejeweled frog box to me on the dessert tray (I thought she was pointing to the carrot cake -- ha!) -- I NEVER thought he would do it in public at a restaurant! Sounds cheesy, but it was SO sweet... He had flowers, champagne, wine, chocolate-covered strawberries, etc., in the room waiting afterwards..."

I have to give the boy credit -- he made quite the memorable experience for me... despite my frets & worries beforehand that I might come home completely disappointed, of which I made him quite aware (tsk, tsk! on my part, but we have been quite open discussing marriage -- it's not as bad as it sounds!)... But it was wonderful & sweet & thoughtful & loving -- AND he still somehow managed to surprise beyond my wildest imagination! I'm a happy, happy girl, to put it quite simply... Bless his heart... ;)

*BIG smile*


Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Just a few things have happened lately, but let's get to the good stuff...

Yep, Jon proposed. WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!!! Can you believe it!? So I guess I have a little 'splaining to do, huh? Yeah, yeah... I will tell all the guts of the story later, but suffice to say that he did really, really, really well!!! Surprise trip, flowers, champagne, wine, the whole shabang... I'm a happy, happy girl! :)
