Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Completely Unbiased Opinion: Adorable.

Okay, so maybe the "unbiased" part is not true, since I would think these 2 little boys (my nephews, Matthew & Thomas) were adorable even if they had horns growing out of their heads and were covered in pock marks... But I still couldn't resist posting this picture as I love, love, love them to death!!! [as for the "adorable" part, well, I'm sure they must take after moi -- hee, hee!]


Blogger Kimpossible said...

How do you, as an only child, have nephews?

Just wondering ...

5:35 PM  
Blogger KayJayPea said...

Good call -- I wondered if anyone else had ever caught onto that...

My cousin is also an only child, and our moms were the only 2 kids on that side of the family, so we really grew up more like sisters than cousins -- so we decided before these kids were born that I was more than "Cousin Kelly", I was "Aunt Kelly"... Really it's just all in the name, but they ARE my nephews, dammit!

Way to burst my bubble, you bitch. Hee, hee...

9:08 PM  

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