Friday, September 16, 2005

Friday... finally. Hmph.

This has seemed like one hell of a long week. Maybe because it's the first FULL week back at work since that whore Katrina hit almost 3 weeks ago, or maybe it's the 5-day headache I've had that hit a climax yesterday when it hurt so bad it caused me to break out into a cold sweat and throw up out my car door on the side of the road, who knows... Doesn't really matter -- because it's finally Friday, dammit!

Let's see, just a few little newsworthy blurbs from this fine week (several of which are sure to grace the pages of my beloved celebrity gossip magazines, no doubt):

  • A San Francisco judge deemed the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance in schools is "unconstitutional". Oh come the fuck on!? Do we not have better things to worry with? And in San Francisco? Like that's not a melting pot of sin & debauchery! If you're an atheist and don't believe in God, why the hell do you care? I have to agree with Memphis Steve on this one... Enough already. Good Lord... (oh wait, can I say that, or will they arrest me?)
  • Renee Zellweger & Kenny Chesney are splitting up. As if this one wasn't predictable. And she is citing "fraud" as the reason for the requested anulment, which I assume to mean she has now found out some tidbits about his personality since they got married that she doesn't like? Is that code for "Oops! -- I just really fucked up and now I want it to go away"?
  • Britney Spears & Kevin Federline procreated succesfully and popped out a poor little baby boy this week -- London Preston Spears Federline -- proving that "Darwinism" was only a myth. I heard Kev wanted to name it "Vegas" after his favorite party city. Yeah, because that's just what I think of when I think of parenthood and family-life -- SIN city, nights of drinking, partying, gambling, strippers, etc. They really do go hand-in-hand... You can go to their cheesy-ass site,, to send your best wishes to the happy couple. Poor kid.


Blogger Memphis said...

You crack me up!

11:15 PM  

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