"CSI: Meridian"
Everyone get your cocktails & toddies ready for the State of the Union address tonight -- for here is your entertainment via the "State of the Union Drinking Game"... Enjoy!
You Are a Bloody Mary |
You're a fairly serious drinker, who's experimented a lot with different drinks. You're a drunk, but a stable drunk. You don't ever let your drinking get out of control. |
You Are Creepy |
Serial killers would run away from you in a flash. |
A bunch of my friends from Millsaps College are getting together in NashVegas this weekend & I was so excited a/b seeing all of them, & now all of those plans are up in the air for me b/c of my freaking workload. I mean, FUCK. I don't want to miss one of the few chances I have to see them, dammit! I really hate this time of year... Grrrrrrr...
**And to do a little positive advertising for them because they deserve it, thank you bunches & bunches to Pampered Bodies!!!! The did fabulous...
I am also pleased to report that there were no casualties (we're not talking "near" casualties, just casualties). However, that being said, there were injuries. At the rehearsal dinner, [the groom's] Grandmother Eaton fell flat. Bizarrely, everyone ignored it as one of her apparently all-too-frequent ploys for attention. Well, would I even bother to mention it if that were all it was? Uh, let that be a resounding NO. The poor old lady not only re-broke a previously fractured wrist, but she also broke her hip!!! Bring on the ambulance to the rehearsal dinner & off she went to Anderson's Hopsital -- but the show must go on!!!! While we were drinking Bloody Mary's & mimosas at the wedding brunch the next day, poor mee-maw was having hip surgery.
But the wedding was beautiful, the bride & groom were lovely (and let's not forget the gorgeous bridesmaids -- hee, hee), & now the lucky s.o.b.'s get to go on an 8-day Caribbean cruise. Can you tell I'm just a fuzz jealous? Hell, who wouldn't be!?
Of course I had multitudes of pictures to post of the pre-, during, and post-wedding festivites as I am a self-proclaimed camera-obsessed freak, but I picked just a few as I know I still have our drama-filled (yet lots of fun) New Year's festivities to cover. And boy are there some goodies there...
So for New Year's, a bunch of us go over to our friend Steven's house -- arms full of liquor, beer, food, New Year's paraphanelia, cameras, but mostly liquor... A fun time, if not a bit dramatic (would we have it any other way?) was had by all. With the exception of a broken bed caused by some overzealous meanies (myself involved) trying to pick on someone who we thought went to bed too early, a hurling squeaky toy, a passing "fuck you" that was taken with much more offense than was ever intended (thank you, that one was my fault, too), lots of miscommunications, laughs, jokes, drinking, eating, yelling, hugging, kissing, fussing, and very little sleeping... I may have to elaborate on this more later as new and exciting events are rekindled in my mind from that night... (wink, wink)
And then last night, I had to say goodbye to my friend Matthew, who headed back to Prague (actually not leaving until to today, but he had to trek it to Atlanta first). I think he'd had a little hometown cabin fever after 2+ weeks, but it was great to have him here and really sucked to see him go... Now I just expect more and more good and amazing pictures from him (one of which has been included below)!!!! I have to live vicariously through him -- at least on the international travel front for the time being, and then I'll go visit... But until then -- sniff, sniff...
Hope everyone had a safe & Happy New Year!!! No DUI's, public drunkenness or disturbing the peace (at least not caught by the cops!), battle wounds, etc. XOXO...