Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Crazy Bitches & Profanity, among other things...

Not much going on today (whether that's a good or bad thing, I'm not quite sure), but that's no reason to keep from indulging myself in a pointless post now, is it?

I just heard Buckcherry's "Crazy Bitch" on the radio while I was at work (a song inspired by the Paris Hilton sex tape, mind you), and I was very curious as to how they were going to NOT play the lyrics which, though they do not offend me, are not exactly what you would call "good, clean family fun." How did they do it, you may ask? Just leave the words out altogether. Kind of takes away from the song, now doesn't it?

Hey, you're a crazy bitch
But you fuck so good, I'm on top of it
When I dream, I'm doing you all night
Scratches all down my back to keep me right on
And to think, I've had this damn song stuck in my head for DAYS now, people... Damn you, Buckcherry!!!

Sorry to seem like a repeat of myself, but I just had to include some more spring flower pictures taken this past weekend... Sorry, I can't help it, I just love them -- and how can pretty flowers NOT put a smile on your face, you old curmudgeon!? (admittedly, though, the pansies seem to be on their last leg)

On another note, I got a surprising phone call yesterday @ work -- a voice I'd been fearing I would hear for months, but that fear had recently subsided: my ex-boyfriend/fiance' who I haven't spoken to since last summer. The phone call lasted about 30 seconds & it was just to tell me he got his one-year sobriety token & to thank me for helping him get to that point. Then I realized it was Good Friday (end of March) last year when we had the "intervention" & I drove him to rehab (we had been broken up for 4 mos. or so even before that) -- wow, time flies. But I'm really proud of him -- or rather, FOR him.Above is a random picture taken last month at Sea World. It has absolutely NO relevance to this post, but I care not. Now, on with the random goodies:

  • Personally, I like my "drunken Iranian" cooked medium rare, with a little bearnaise sauce...
  • Coming on the heels of my bitching last week a/b a co-worker, a friend sent me a link to this book in jest -- Working with You Is Killing Me: Freeing Yourself from Emotional Traps at Work -- but I must admit, it actually looks like a decent book. Come on, you know you could use this book. Don't lie...
  • I bought the Sea Monkey Imaginarium for my nephew's birthday (I could have just bought him clothes -- but see, I'm a good aunt). He's probably too young considering he thought the spoon used to feed them was a bubble blower, but I'm trying to bring back the Sea Monkey craze. What, you missed the craze the first time? For shame... Next stop, Chia Pets!!!
  • Poll: Americans See, Hear More Profanity -- and I'm probably the cause of 90% of that profanity... Fuck yeah!!! {Only 8% report using the word "fuck" several times a day -- believe me, I make up for it w/out even trying -- so apparently I'm a minority -- but a growing minority, as a friend pointed out...}
  • K-Fed's "Y'all Ain't Ready"... Nooooo, no we're not. And while I'm an art lover and all, "Monument to Pro-Life: The Birth of Sean Preston" is just taking it too far -- it makes Britney look like she's about to shoot that baby out with the force of a tennis ball machine!!!
  • Happy Easter!!! (early -- just click on it)


Blogger Memphis said...

Oooh, "Access Denied" on the Crazy Easter site. Apparently someone at my workplace things its naughty.

1:18 PM  

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