Monday, April 10, 2006

Monday, Monday, Monday...

The frog is still around -- I was sitting outside the other afternoon & when I took a peek at my plant, I could see the little face to the left staring back at me... My backyard is just flourishing with all kinds of animals -- birds, squirrels, frogs, lightning bugs, raccoons, dogs, etc. It's a jungle out there. Especially if you take into account all of the weeds that have popped up!!! The picture above shows 2 male cardinals literally having a "stand-off" over my bird seed (you might have to look closely). Just another day in the neighborhood, I guess...

Speaking of "cardinals", that reminds me of a very random story. Back in elementary school, my friends & I played w/ Barbies. However, our Barbies didn't have "dream houses" or stuff like that. Instead, they got murdered, had affairs, whatever... It was more true-to-life (blame too much unsupervised Skinemax & HBO) than pretty & pink. Anyway, one of my friends, Leah, decided to give one of her Barbies a haircut & proceeded to shape it into a mohawk, a la' Maddox Jolie-Pitt -- which looked much like the little crest on top of our cockatoo's head. Or, as Leah saw it, like on the head of a cardinal. Thus, the doll was dubbed "Barbie Cardinal". The fact that I found that so funny probably explains a lot...

Anyway... I had a nice weekend, despite the fact that my trip to Texas (horse show) had to be cancelled b/c of timing issues... We ended up going to the annual Crawfish Boil @ the Hungry Heifer (restaurant here in town) on Saturday -- lots of pullin' tails, suckin' heads, & drinkin' beer. Can't beat that with a stick! A good time was had by all (@ least, as far as I am aware)... Some of you may recognize the guy in the middle in the pic above right from "Anatomy of a Fall" here & here... [Yep, I did it, I called you out again, Matt!!! C'mon, you know you like it...] Kim & Kelly* If anyone watched "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" last night, I'm excited to report that my friend Molly's husband, Sean, works for Fieldstone & was one of the guys working on the Craft Family's house -- we got several glimpses of him throughout the show... They did an awesome job & I just wanted to say congrats!!! (Molly & Sean's wedding in December was recounted here)...


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