"No Bitching Zone"? Yeah, right...
Picture it: Vodka, Martini (extra dirty/extra dry, of course), and Bud Light are sitting around a table at a local bar. Martini & Bud Light are venting about their tales of woe just for shits & giggles when Vodka decides to whip out a marker and designate a "No Bitching Zone" around Martini & Bud Light (but mostly aimed at Martini, methinks):
As the night progresses (or degresses, depending on how you look at it) and several drinks later, the "No Bitching Zone" was morphed into the "No. #1 Queen Bitch Zone", thanks to the artwork and design team of Martini & Bud Light. Much better:
In other news, if you listen to our local news, "the sky is falling" and we are all going to blow away this afternoon here in Mississippi... Below is a radar image of the lovely storm headed our way (I sure thought we'd filled our quota for storms for awhile -- guess not). Look at all the pretty colors -- ha! I live in the town where the little red dot is... oh, the impending doom...
so what are all the pretty colors..? rain? just be thankful it isn't snow....lol
Having a mini blizzard today. ICK
stay safe
All the pretty colors? Rain, tornadoes, flooding, etc. All that fun stuff!!!
Snow is quite a rarity around here. It's been a couple years, I do believe... Right now it's 78 degrees here -- crazy weather!!!!
78 !!! WOW
that is the average temp. in our summers....LOL
right now it is 20F Bbbbrrrrrrr
and it isn't even cold yet...LOL
snowing again.... argh!
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