Blah, blah, & more blah.
- Awwww -- it's so sweet that Lindsay "Firecrotch" Lohan's mommy is taking up for her being able to party all night & put her day job second (you know, that pesky gig that allows her to whore around, have nice clothes & do who knows what drugs)... a job for which her 20-year old ass is waaaay overpaid (& of whose salary I am admittedly & insanely jealous). That's almost as pitiful as when Archie Manning basically got up & whined for Eli when he was the San Diego Chargers' first draft pick & didn't want to go there. Waaahhh!!! What a puss. If you want adult jobs, you should have to act like adult workers to get those adult paychecks. (Then again, judging from the acting skills -- or gross lack thereof -- portrayed in Eli's BankPlus commercials, maybe Archie speaking for him was a good thing) Anyway, you can read the scolding letter from Hohan's director HERE...
- From Beavis to Britney: MTV turns 25 -- "[The] average viewer is 20 years old — too young to remember Martha Quinn, not even born when Madonna buckled on her 'boy toy' belt..." Oh my heavens. I'm ancient... and this is just further proof.
- I want a six-toed Hemingway pussy!!!
- Funny New Find: and for all you pervs out there, this is NOT a reference to the female anatomy. Get your minds out of the gutter.
And just for good measure, here's a "Family Guy" video (because who can ever resist a good ol' FG clip, right?):
In other goings-on, my dad requested that his birthday present be for all of us (my parents, Jon & myself) to accompany him to a race at Barber Motorsports Park in Birmingham -- which, by the way, is located on some of the most beautiful & lush grounds I have ever seen. But anyway, when we got there, it was raining. Then it quit & turned so searingly sunny & hot that I thought I was going to pass out (I made several trips to the car just to take in a bit of a/c here and there!). And then, towards the end of the race, it looked like we were on the verge of Armageddon:After that, we basically trudged home (correction: JP & I slept while Dad drove) in a torrential downpour, but a fun time was had by all. And somehow, despite the periodic rain throughout the day, Jon & I still managed to get sunburned... and drunk. Score!
I know this post is a bit random and pointless. (just a bit?) But that's sort of the mood I'm in right now, I guess. Sorry. I promise to try to do better in the future. Story of my life, right? Ha!
But enough about me. At least for now. ;)